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From what we can measure, science estimates that the earth is just over 4½ billion years old. So, essentially that’s how long that our planet has had since its inception to grow and to perfect itself and to become this intricate collection of interdependent lifeforms.
The modern medical model is centered around testing you, diagnosing your illness, and giving you chemicals that might make you feel better to some degree. And over the past hundred-plus years, they’ve become very good at it. But we’re waking up to the fact that the problem with that model is that it doesn’t address what causes disease in the first place.
You may not feel it over the next few years. But sooner or later your body's going to start to deteriorate and you're going to start to feel the effects of the neglect that you've done to your body from robbing it of the nutrition that it needs.
Did you know that most of the ingredients listed on the labels of our basic food supply are illegal in almost every other country in the free world?
From single cells to the most complex, multi-organ beings. Even though we seem to be very very different, we’re all connected and in order to survive, we all depend on the very same perfect physical world that we call Nature.
He’s saying that you’re going to have whatever you have for the rest of your life…that it’s probably going to contribute to shortening your life
Similar to the monkeys in the experiment, most people tend to conform to established social norms and behaviors without questioning where they came from. Cultural practices, society’s expectations and norms are passed down through generations, shaping individuals’ behavior without them fully understanding the reasons behind those norms.
During his reign as the world’s richest man, John D. Rockefeller vowed to bankrupt America. In 1872, he bought up, shut down, or bankrupt 90% of America’s oil companies.
Arthur Shopenhauer was a German philosopher and mathematician who rose to prominence in the 19th Century.
Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
How many times have you heard… “If I can do it, you can do it too?” The Social Media “Bait & Switch” Upsell. I have family and friends all over the U.S., and some even in other countries.
There are natural, highly beneficial, nutritional interventions that exist outside of mainstream medicine.
In the journey towards optimal health and wellness, the concept of nutrition is often narrowed down to vitamins and minerals.
In the realm of cutting-edge technology, few frontiers are as promising and enigmatic as Terahertz(THz) technology and its applications
we often focus on nutrition, exercise. However, an intriguing and increasingly popular approach centers on the use of frequency and vibration.
In the realm of health and wellness, intermittent fasting (I-F) has emerged as a groundbreaking approach with profound benefits for the body and mind.