Virtually every holistic health tradition holds the common philosophy that there is a divine intelligence within our body – that is completely beyond our conscious awareness or control – that runs the millions of metabolic processes that are going on within us.
Their sciences support that our bodies have the inherent ability to heal and maintain themselves the way that The Good Lord and Nature designed them to do, but that it is up to us to provide them with the tools that they need to do their job.
Our bodies need 90 Essential Nutrients:
Regulate chemical reactions, fluid balance, promote hormone production, etc.
Convert food to energy, regulate metabolism, repair cell damage, heal wounds, strengthen immunity, and more.
Essential to make proteins, for cell functions, gene expression, antibodies, structural support, etc.
Provide structure to cell membranes, reduce blood triglycerides and arterial plaque, etc.
There exists no common diet available through the existing modern agricultural processes, that is capable of satisfying the body’s nutritional needs. Due to contamination, pollution, and defilement of our food supply, from herbicides, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, GMO’s, antibiotics, growth hormones, dyes, aesthetic coatings, preservatives, etc., along with the steadily diminishing availability of nutrients within our extremely exhausted & overused agricultural soils and stresses of everyday life, we can no longer properly nourish our bodies through available food sources.