From single cells to the most complex, multi-organ beings. Even though we seem to be very very different, we’re all connected and in order to survive, we all depend on the very same perfect physical world that we call Nature.
From what we can measure, science estimates that the earth is just over 4½ billion years old. So, essentially that’s how long that our planet has had since its inception to grow and to perfect itself and to become this intricate collection of interdependent lifeforms. From single cells to the most complex, multi-organ beings. Even though we seem to be very very different, we’re all connected and in order to survive, we all depend on the very same perfect physical world that we call Nature.
Earrings are essentially worn in the ear lobe, but in recent times, the trend is to woman’s domain, men too have again taken to wearing earrings, like their ancestors.
So if that’s the case. If it’s taken Nature over 4 billion years to create and perfect us, and everything else, how can we be so arrogant to believe that as creatures of Nature, we know what’s better for our bodies than Nature does? How can we expect to alter and distort what Nature has given us without suffering extreme negative and damaging physical effects? Truth is that we can’t. And the truth is slapping us right in the face. Look at all of the chronic maladies and diseases that we’re currently dealing with that were either extremely rare 75 or 100 years ago or didn’t even exist at all!
Another truth is that The Good Lord and Nature (which to me are one in the same) designed our bodies to heal and repair themselves when we give them the natural tools that they need to work with. And the truth is that those tools are more readily available than you might think.